Our Team


Rachael Fonotia
Julie Williamson
Hamish Johnson
Cassandra Staps
Prachi Didmishe
Sabrina Forrester
Lee Risby
Jill Sunnex
Lynn Wood


Waikato Taniwha rau, he piko he taniwha.
Ko Karioi te maunga.
Ko Toreparu te awa.
Ko Tainui te waka.
Ko Hoturoa te tangata.
Ko Fred Williams Toku Ingoa.
Ko ahau te Kaihautu o YCD.

As the General Manager of YCD, I am incredibly proud to lead an organisation committed to serving taiohi from all communities and backgrounds. My hope is that we continue the vital mahi and uphold the legacy of YCD, which began with the vision and dedication of Vic and Losa and was elevated to new heights by Anni Watkin. I am thankful every day for the opportunity to contribute to this meaningful mahi and to support taiohi in reaching their full potential.

“Poipoia te kakano kia puawai. “ Nuture the seed and it will flourish.

No reira tena koutou tena koutou tena tatou katoa



Tēnā koutou katoa, e whakawhetai ana mātou mō tō koutou whakawhānau ki te paetukutuku o YCD, ā, nā te whakawhetai ki a koutou kua tuku to koutou wā ki te pānui i ētahi kōrero mō mātou.

I am Natalia, and I come from the Donbas region.

I’ve been working at YCD for 17 years, where I handle financial administration.

In my role, I manage financial matters and make sure things run smoothly. I enjoy being a part of this community and I’m proud to contribute to the YCD’s mission to help young people on their journey.


Malo le soifua ma le lagi mama.
Talofa, Talofa lava. 
O lo’u igoa o Silimana’i Junior Mata’afa.
Na ou fanau i Tanetini.
O le nu’u sa fanau ai lo’u tama o i Malie.
O le nu’u sa fanau ai lo’u tina o i Falealupo.
O lo’u to’alua o Rachel Maitland Mata’afa. 
O ia sa fanau i Tanetini / Ngai Tahu
E to’a lua le ma fanau. 
O Neihana o le matua.
O Nikora o le ui’i.
Ou te faigaluega i Youth Cultural & Development (YCD) 
O a’u o le pule o galuega.
Kia ora tatou,
As the Operations Manager, one of my roles is to oversee the day to day operations. Ensuring that our projects run smoothly and efficiently. As well as managing kaimahi practice and performance. 
I work closely alongside our rangatira Fred Williams, as well as the leadership team and kaimahi.
It is truly a privilege and always grateful to be part of the YCD whanau that makes such a meaningful impact on the lives of our taiohi, whanau and wider community.
Fa’afetai lava, ia manuia.


Kia Ora 
Ko Piripiri te maunga
Ko Waitohi te awa
Ko Kawakawa te moana
Ko Waikawa te marae
Ko Richard toku tane
Ko Sami, Ko Jess, Ko Brooke toku tamahine
Ko Michelle toku ingoa
Born in Otautahi, I moved to Picton with my parents aged 6 or 7 years old, & so spent most of my youth growing up in Waikawa Bay, only returning to Otautahi aged 21.
Youth work was something I never knew existed, but I came across it when seeking employment in my early thirties, and accepting a role as a youth worker in a youth justice residence.
Well, after my first day,  I realised had found my passion, now over 11 years I have I have built up a wealth of knowledge across a number fields,  eager to learn whatever, would help me, to help rangatahi, succeed in their own journeys.
I am grateful to be a part of Youth & Cultural Development (YCD), where everyone is treated as whanau & where everyone works together to achieve the common goal: of supporting rangatahi to reach their full potential.
I have been with YCD for 4 years  now and I have held various roles: Supported Bail Youth Worker, Transition to Independence Kaimahi, Family Home Team Leader & am now Quality Lead, ensuring we comply with all professional standards & our programs & services meet the highest standards of quality & effectiveness, to continue creating positive change in our communities.
Every day I feel privileged to have been able to walk beside taiohi helping them, succeed on their journey to be the very best version of themselves, they can be, through setting & achieving goals, exploring their identity, understanding their culture,  learning to advocate for themselves, ensuring their voices are heard in decisions effecting them, connecting them in with community, engaging in education or entering the workforce. 
Experience:  Mental Health, Human Development, Child Protection, Social Services, Trauma Informed Care, Substance Abuse, learning conditions, youth work, as well as in a number of disabilities and syndromes which impact on rangatahi today.
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua 
Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead


Tena Koe 

Ko huruiki te maunga.
Ko mokau te awa.
Ko tu whenuaroa te waka.
Ko Mokau te marae.
Ko Nga Puhi te iwi.
Ko Ngatiwai te hapu.
Ko kai whakamarumaru aku mahi.
Ko Julie ahau.

I have been a part of the YCD whanau for 14yrs, I am currently working on the Street Youth Work Project – Ensuring the safety of our taiohi.
Things change, come and go….however the support given to our taiohi will remain the same.

Ki to manaakitia nga rangatahi kia tu pakari ai

Mauri ora 


Taiarahia Te Maunga
Ohinemataroa Te Awa
Rongokarae Te Tipuna
Ko Ngati Rongo Te Hapu
Ko Rangiaho te ingoa whanau
Ki te taha o toku koroua tuarua
Ruahema Te Maunga
Waioweka Te Awa
Ngati Ira Te Hapu
Ko Wehi te ingoa whanau
Ko Melody ahau

Tena Koe, I am a Kairuruku, here at Youth&Cultural Development.  I have a couple of roles Team Leader and Coordinator of our Life skills Program. Our focus is always best outcomes for our Taiohi and this is reflected in our values and mission statements.

It is a privilege to work at YCD and to be working alongside our young people who we hope to support in their journeys of reaching their full potential as our future generations.
We have an open door policies which keeps us connected to Taiohi, Whanau and Communities and our professional partners.

Nga mihi kia koutou.



Malo le soifua, o lo’u igoa o Simona.

I have worked in the youth work sector for many years working in various roles.
I am very grateful to be a part of the YCD whanau and love the Kaupapa here. I’m fortunate enough to be in the roles that I am in, where I can connect and offer support to whanau in the whanau role.
Being in the leadership team is a real privilege. To be able to support kaimahi and hopefully bring the best out of not only myself, but also my work colleagues.

I’m a family man. I’m a very energetic and motivated person. I love health & fitness, so I encourage this daily with our taiohi through gym programmes, being active and outdoors. I’m passionate about everything I do, and always bring positivity as I truly believe people feed off your energy.


E fa’afeiloai atu ma le agaga fa’afetai i le paia ua sasao nei. Mālō le soifua maua ma le lagi e mamā.
Talofa Lava, mālō lava le soifua, maua ma le lagi e mamā.
O lo’u igoa o Moresby Peseta.
Na ou fānau i nei Kalaiesekeke, Niu Silani
Na fānau lo’u tamā i Papauta, Samoa
Sa fānau lo’u tinā i Vigi, Samoa

Kia Ora, my name is Moresby Peseta, and I am apart of the Supervision with Activity Project here at YCD.
‘Afai ‘o le’ā ta’ape le filiali’i, tala’a’ao i le lagi e mamā ma le soifua maua.
la manuia tele Sāmoa i Iona tūlaga fa’alupeina ae ou mālōlōina atu.



Malo e lelei,
Ko hoku hingoa ko Sione Mosa’ati. Oku ou lelei mai mei nomuka niutoua.
The name is Sione Mosa’ati.
I was previously employed at Te Puna Wai o Tuhinapo youth justice facility where I made the decision to shift my youth work out into the community and to explore and expand my youth working ability’s/skills and continue to offer my services.

I have been lucky enough to snatch a role here at YCD (youth and development) and with the supported bail team early May before transitioning to the supervision with activity team earlier this year. So far it has been a blast with the team, but I am loving every minute here. Engaging with our rangatahi and being there main point of support so far has been my greatest challenge but my most rewarding.


Tama Tu Tama Ora
Tama Noho Tama Mate
He Uri Ahau no Ngai Tahu, Te Whanau Apanui, Te Ati Haunui a Paparangi, Ngati Kahungunu, Ngati Hamoa me Tonga Tapu.
Kia ora, I am Daniel Mataki Jnr, born and raised in Christchurch City. I work as a Youth Worker and Mentor at YCD, with my main role as one of two Community Service Coordinators. Alongside Jayme, We support Rangatahi through Family Group Conferences and alternative action plans across Otautahi. We collaborate with many community groups and organisations, including the Salvation Army, Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, and Trees for Canterbury. We engage with young people from diverse backgrounds, emphasising the importance of giving back to the community through service, as encapsulated by our key lesson: “o le ala i le pule o le tautua” (the road to leadership is through service).

Ko Kakaremea te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Ngati-Tahu Ngati-Whaoa te iwi
Ko Leigh-Gilmore toku whanau
Ko Jayme toku ingoa

I am a community service youth worker here at YCD. In my role, I engage with young people and support them in connecting with their community. Through community service, young people gain experience, find purpose, and become more knowledgeable about the support that is in their wider community.  
Being able to walk alongside young people while they navigate their personal journey is uplifting mahi to be a part of. Youth development has always been a passion of mine, and I believe that we can all learn a lot from our rangitahi.


Ko Taranaki Te Maunga
Ko Waitara Te Awa 
Ko Tokomaru Te Waka
Ko Awanuiarangi Toku Tipuna
Ko Te Ati Awa Toku Iwi
Ko Puketapu Toku Hapu
Ko Mururaupatu Toku Marae
No Otautahi Ahau
Kei YCD Ahau E Mahi Ana
He Pouwhakaro Taku Turanga Mahi
Ko Rerewa Toku Ingoa
Kia Ora
Talofa Lava
Faakalofa Lahi Atu
My name is Red, I’m currently the Team Leader for the FRESH Outreach Project, FRESH Events Co-ordinator, Director of the Christchurch Hip Hop Summit & Tutor for the CLUBKINGZ Academy.


Tēnā koutou, e te whanau, ko Tommy Tominiko toku ingoa.
Ou te sau mai ile nu’u o Mulivai Safata i Samoa.
O a’u o le afakasi, o lo’u Tamā o le Samoa, a’o lo’u tinā o le Palagi.
Oute nofo I Kalaiesitete ma o lo’o o’u faigaluega nei i le YCD i le taimi nei.

Tēnā koutou, e te whānau
Nō Hāmoa, nō Ingarangi ōku tupuna
Ko Mulivai te pā o ōku tupuna
I whānau mai au, i tipu ake au i kōnei – i Ōtautahi
Ko tāku mahi, He Pou Whakaaro mo Whakawhanakehia O ngā Rangatahi
Ko Iverson tōku tama
Ko tommy tōku ingoa
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā tatou katoa

My current role at YCD is Events Co-Ordinator and FRESH Outreach Project and also co-design direct The Christchurch Hip Hop Summit.

I have great passion for music, fitness and being creative, which also include being creative in designing static and digital content for our organisation.
Welcome to Crusaderville. Up the Razor!! 


Kia Ora Whānau, Talofa Lava, Mālō e lelei
Ko Novena Watkin-Lemalu tōku ingoa.
I am of Māori, Tongan, Pākehā descent.
I am part of a very large whānau, am a mother and a wife. Grew up in East side of Christchurch and have a 13 years experience working in the public service sector but was time for a change. I love me some reggae music and spend a lot of time at different sports with my whānau when not at mahi.

YCD was a huge part of my upbringing so being able to now work here is the best feeling and a true privilege.

I’m really excited about what we are able to achieve here at YCD. I love the mahi and supporting our rangatahi with the tools to be able to live well, achieve their goals and be strong and independent.

Mauri Ora


Kia ora e te iwi.
He Pākehā au. Nō Ōtautahi au, engari he whererei au ki Tāmaki Makaurau.
Ko Chloé tōku ingoa.

I’m studying a BA at UC, majoring in Te Reo Māori, Māori and Indigenous Studies, and Geography. I love learning and practicing te reo Māori with my tamariki—it’s one of my favourite things to do. When I’m not hitting the books, you’ll find me getting creative or out for a run.

I’m all about helping our taiohi find their own way to independence, whatever that looks like for them. I’m pretty good at juggling lots of tasks and getting things done, but what I really enjoy is being there to support our rangatahi through whatever challenges come their way.


Tēnā koutou katoa, malo le soifua

Ko Rangitoto te maunga.
Ko Mangaokewa te awa.
Ko Tainui te waka.
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto te iwi.
Ko Rereahu te hapu.
Ko Te Ahoroa te marae

O lo’u igoa O Jared.
Sa’ou fanau I Aukilani
Ou te nofo I Christchurch
O lo’u nu’u O Puipa’a
O le igoa O lo’u Tamati o Rocky, Ruby ma Aggy

Fa’afetai lava.

My name is Jared and I have been with the YCD whānau for about 5 months now. I have a background in the NZ Army, as well as the NZ Police. Last year I left the NZ Police and transitioned into mentoring taiohi which I am very passionate about.

My role at YCD is the lead for the FRESH OUTREACH PROJECT. You’ll find me either at our brand new youth hub The IGLOO located at the CBD Bus Exchange or conducting OUTREACH across Ōtautahi.

I look forward to engaging with our taiohi and wider communities offering them opportunities for active recreation and engagement and also creating a safe and inclusive environment that encourages pro social activities and a sense of belonging.


Tena koutou katoa,
Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Ngāti Raukawa rāua ko Ngāti Kōtirana ngā iwi
Ko Gerry rāua ko Linnia Donnelly ōku mātua whāngai

Ēngari, i te taha o ōku mātua

He uri tēnei nō Ngapuhi, Tiamana, Hāmoa, Hameika
Ko Anaru Donnelly tōku ingoa

Kia ora, my name is Anaru, I am the Team leader of our Supported bail project.
I have the pleasure of working alongside and overseeing an exceptional team of youth workers, we work closely with a unique group of Taiohi daily, aiming to create structure and routine in their lives through daily programme, ultimately helping them navigate their way through this thing we call life. I like to incorporate health and wellbeing into my work, through the Gym and sports, because these are things I’m passionate about and If I’m able to influence any positive change, no matter how big or small, then then our Taiohi win.

I’m grateful to be a part of the supported bail team, where we get the opportunity to support Taiohi on their own individual journeys however that may look.


Ko Mataatua toku waka
Ko Tuhoe toku iwi
Ko Kutarere toku marae
Ko Terekia toku ingoa

Kia Ora I am currently on the Supported Bail team working with young people on a day-to-day basis upskilling and creating opportunity for Rangatahi to succeed. We are a culturally based organisation and linking them towards a more positive outcome.


Malo le soifua

O lo’u igoa o Shaun Mulivai Asi, Au te sau mai Aranui, Christchurch.

I am a Youth Worker at Youth and Cultural Development, raised in the Christchurch East

My family is from Samoa, my village is Solosolo and Afega.

I have been working with rangatahi since 2007, but have been working at YCD for 13 years now.

I used to come to YCD drop-in as a youth alot and remember the plays and holiday programs at YCD Manchester St, also the all the hip hop events that were held at YCD Lichfield St.

For me working at YCD has been a privilege and joy to be serving the rangatahi and playing a part of their journey is very special.

I also do a little bit of photography and videography for YCD which I really enjoy and enjoy exploring new ideas and skills. 

Nga mihi…. East!


Kia Ora koutou.
Ko Hamoa te iwi.
I tipu ake ahau i Samoa me Otautahi.
He kaimahi rangatahi ahau.

Malo le soifua maua ma le lagi e mama.
O lo’u igoa o Dara Nickel.
E 28 o’u tausaga.
Ulutogia, Aleipata, e mitamita lo’u agaga ia te oe.

I have the greatest honour to be a part of a team, that works in partnership with the future of our world, our young people. Been in the youth work space since 2017 and continuing this mahi with my YCD whanau for 3 months now. I help lead out the Whakatutia Nga Wero Program that entails assisting our taiohi in achieving their life skill goals in a 10-week timeframe and focussing on a holistic approach in accomplishing these goals. Grateful for this space, the people and the momentum in cultivating the future.


A’o le’i osofia le magugua gai le faugagaga,
Ouke mua’i ka le polaivao ma au kala le gagaga, auà lau fa’afofoga Samoa, iga ge’i lape se kala a’o se gagaga, oga avea lea ma le kogu i lo’u kagaka. Ae a fai fo’i ua sala, ose kualogo a’o se lauseoso.

Oute mua’i fa’atalofa ile paia ma le mamalu ile aofia, malò le soifua ma le lagi e mamà.
O lo’u igoa o Heseti Kopelani.
Sa ou fanau i Aukilani, Niu Silani.
O lo’u tamà e sau mai Maagiagi, Samoa.
O lo’u tinà e sau mai Lufilufi, Samoa.

Kia Ora, 
My name is Heseti Kopelani. I am part of the Supported Bail programme team here at YCD.
“Iti noa ana he pito mata.”
From the withered tree, a flower blooms.


Malo soifua, 
O lo’u igoa o Peter Togia,  
na ou fanau i’inei i karaisetete,  
O o’u mātua na tupuga mai I Samoa 
O lo’u tamā e sau mai Mulifanua 
O lo’u tinā e sau mai Afega 
He kaimahi ahau mo te Whakatutia Nga Wero- SYSC course. 
My hobbies include watching and playing sport, mainly Basketball and Rugby  

In my role, I have the privilege of guiding and supporting our youth through the challenges they face. What I love most about my work is the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of young people, helping them realize their potential and navigate their paths with confidence. Every day brings new opportunities to connect, inspire, and empower the next generation, and that is what makes this work so fulfilling for me.I love supporting young people to achieve their goals and see the small successes along the way however big or small it is. 

O le ala o le pule o le tautua 

Jah Bless..One love 

Faafetai lava. 


Fa’atālofa atu i le paia ma le mamalu ua aofia. O tou sā ma faigā, o le ā lē o’o i ia se upu. Auā o Sāmoa, o le atunu’u mamala. 
Talofa Lava, mālō lava le soifua, maua ma le lagi e mamā. 
O lo’u igoa o Sea Muaimalae.
Na ou fānau i nei Kalaiesekeke, Niu Silani
Na fānau lo’u tamā i Nofoali’i, Samoa 
Sa fānau lo’u tinā i Leulumoega, Samoa
Kia Ora, my name is Sea Muaimalae and I was born and raised in Eastern suburbs of Ōtautahi. I am a fully registered social worker and am currently a tauwhiro rangatahi here at Youth & Cultural Development (YCD). 
Lalaga le si’osi’omaga mo se lumana’i manuia – weave an environment for a better future”
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi – with your basket and my basket, the people will thrive.” 
Le lagi e mamā i le susū o le ‘aufaigaluega a le Atua. Lagi e mamā i le afifio o tupu ma tamāli’i ua aofia mai. Mano teleina Sāmoa. Soifua lava.